K. Iwata Associates, Inc. now offers a focused selection of products which can be tailored to fit your needs.
The Power of Diversity "I understand that diversity is important to my organization but what is it you want me to do?"Rather than broad-based concepts, this book offers specific guidelines and tools you can use to increase your competence at managing and leading a diverse workforce.
Drawing from a field study conducted with sixteen companies, the book allows you to assess your own level of Diversity-Competence. Lists of activities are provided to help you sharpen your ability to demonstrate the essential POWER competencies. The book also provides recommendations for organizations looking to increase their level of Diversity-Competence.
$24.95 plus shipping and handling
Ordering, please call us at 510.471.7840. Bulk discounts are available for orders exceeding 10 books. Call for pricing and shipping rates.
POWER Training Modules
- Each module contains quality, hands-on content that:
- Goes in-depth with each of the POWER competencies
- Is highly interactive
- Contains a self-assessment tool
- Is skills-based
- Provides practical applications for the workplace customization
- Skill building sessions can be:
- Integrated with current your diversity strategy
- Linked to other change initiatives
- Customized with workplace case studies and workplace applications that align with your organization Delivery Modes
Please contact us for more information.
The Personal Profile of Diversity Competence (PPDC)
This online stand alone assessment tool provides a diagnosis of the level of Diversity-Competence with each of the POWER competencies as well as recommendations on actions that can improve the demonstration of key behaviors required by the competency. The Profile can be done as a 360 feedback tool. It is excellent for coaching and development. Although the behaviors are constant the Profile can be customized to reflect your diversity scorecard.
Please contact us for more information.
The Herrmann Brain Dominance: Leveraging the Diversity of Our Thinking Styles
Kay Iwata is certified with Herrmann International and provides two dynamic products:
- Leveraging the Diversity of Our Thinking Styles training module
- The HBDI® Profile
The first is a highly interactive and engaging training module on the thinking styles.
After a high energy card sort game participants are grouped into their thinking styles and are provided with insightful descriptors of the preferences of those in each of the four style quadrants. The module then presents a problem solving scenario in which participants must walk in the shoes of their opposite quadrant to provide constructive feedback. This exercise provides an opportunity to apply their learning to real time workplace challenges.
The second is the world's leading thinking styles assessment tool, the Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI®) is a 120-question assessment that evaluates and describes thinking preferences through the framework of Herrmann International's Whole Brain® Model.
Once you understand your thinking style preferences, the door is open to improved teamwork, leadership, customer relationships, creativity, problem solving, decision making and other aspects of personal and team effectiveness.
The HBDI® teaches you how to communicate with those who think the same as you and those who think differently than you. Research has shown that everyone is capable of flexing to less preferred thinking styles and learning the skills to diagnose and adapt to the thinking preferences of others. Presenting information in a way that recognizes, respects and is compatible with different preferences is critical to meeting colleague and client needs, and it dramatically increases your ability to achieve your goals and reach better results.
Developed in the 1970s by Ned Herrmann, then a manager at General Electric, more than thirty years of research and innovation stand behind the validity of the HBDI®. Over a million people around the globe have completed the HBDI®, and it is the instrument of choice for driving performance at many of the world's most admired organizations.
About The HBDI® Profile
After completing the HBDI® assessment, you will receive a comprehensive Profile Package containing your HBDI® Profile results along with in-depth interpretation of the results, reference material about the Whole Brain® Model, comparison data, and activities for further exploration and development.
The profile can also be incorporated into the training module if participants have completed it as part of the curriculum.
Organization Systems International: The Polaris 360 Degree Survey
Kay is also certified through OSI with their 360 degree tool. Virtually all organizations respect the value of strong leaders and devote time and energy to developing their leadership resources. To develop great leaders, organizations must first define the qualities of leadership, then measure individuals against those qualities.
360 degree or multi-rater survey instruments provide employees with comprehensive analysis of their abilities via a simple, non-threatening, anonymous process. 360 degree surveys solicit behavior-based feedback from those who are in contact with the participants most often: their supervisor(s), peers, direct reports, clients or customers.
Feedback from multiple sources is considered a powerful tool for personal and professional development because it offers employees the rare opportunity to compare how they and others view their performance.
Upon survey completion, participants and/or their managers receive detailed, individualized reports that include graphs and written comments. This information is then used to develop individualized action plans for selection, development or appraisal purposes.
OSI routinely customizes 360 surveys to reflect organization-specific requirements. Modifications range from incorporating organizational logos on surveys and feedback reports, to developing fully customized, organization-specific competency models and survey instruments.
OSI also offers a set of off-the-shelf 360 degree surveys based upon the leadership qualities found in over 125 organizations, from small start-ups to Fortune 500, profit, non-profit and government agencies and organizations.