Change does have a natural ripple effect. Our five step change process for developing a customized diversity and inclusion strategy ensures we are able to leverage that effect.

1 Prepare
Objective: Establish leadership commitment and an infrastructure support system

Leadership Commitment
  • Define the what, why and how of strategic diversity for the organization
  • Establish a relevant business case
  • Identify the fit with other improvement initiatives
  • Solidify agreement on the scope of work required

Infrastructure Support System
  • Establish appropriate infrastructure to support the work:
    • Key Contact
    • Diversity Council
    • Executive Ownership
    • Support a strategic process plan versus an "events-driven" approach
2 Assess
Objective: Analyze current state - what's working, what's not and why
  • Utilize a diagonal slice of employees to establish an assessment team
  • Conduct a culture scan
  • Conduct interviews
  • Conduct focus groups
    • Surveys (new and existing)

Establish the Base Line
  • Identify Key Measurement Indicators

Conduct a Gap Analysis
  • Where we are
  • Where we need to be
    • Major supports
    • Major barriers
3 Plan
Objective: Create a viable improvement plan

Key components of the plan include:
  • Recommendations for action
  • Key target areas
  • Actions required
    • How progress is measured
    • Timeline for key milestones
    • Methods for monitoring and process for continuous improvement

The plan must be strategically integrated with:
  • Other improvement initiatives
  • Pay for performance/performance evaluation plan
4 Implement
Objective: Execution plan with focus and commitment Keys to successful execution include:

Key components of the plan include:
  • Focusing on fewer action items done exceptionally well
  • Ensuring there is follow-up for all actions
  • Delivering an effective communication strategy
  • Conducting frequent pulse checks with employees
  • Aligning reward, recognition and accountability with new expectations
  • Addressing difficult transitions
  • Communicating progress
5 Evaluate & Improve
Objective: Establish a process and metrics for accountability. Key steps in the process include:

Key components of the plan include:
  • Measuring progress
  • Celebrating successes
  • Clearly identifying consequences
  • Re-assessing as needed
  • Re-vamping where necessary
  • Looking for ways to "raise the bar"
  • Communicating "success stories" and learnings